Industry Highlights

PTB Industry Focus: Aerospace & Defense
For two decades, PTB has provided equipment and services to Federal, State and Local Governmental entities, as well as Prime Contractors. Recently:
- PTB has provided Government Entities with over 1 million dollars in equipment and services, averaging 20 separate Government Entity customers per year; and additionally,
- PTB has provided Prime Contractors with over 4 million dollars in equipment and services, averaging 40 separate Prime Contractors per year.
Customers include:
- NASA (JPL, Glenn, Goddard, Marshall, Ames, Johnson, White Sands)
- U.S. Air Force (Tinker, Vandenberg, Hanscom, Research, etc.)
- U.S. Army (Yuma, Research, etc.)
- U.S. Navy (NSWC, Research, etc.)
- U.S. Marine Corps (Cherry Point)
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Laboratories (Battelle, Brookhaven, Fermi, Lawrence Berkley & Livermore, Los Alamos, NIST, Sandia, etc.)
- National Institutes of Health
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin.
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (CO)
- National Security Tech (NV)
- Other Federal, State and Local Agencies
- Multiple Prime Contractors
Approximately half of these entities are repeat, multiple-year customers.
Company Data
DUNS: 061623216
NAICS: 333242, 333911, 333912, 334413, 334516, 334519, 339112, 423490

PTB Industry Focus: Optical Coating
PTB has been supporting the Optical Coating industry for over 20 years and serves facilities of all sizes.
Optical Coaters use a wide variety of vacuum equipment in their manufacturing process, depending upon the specific applications and capital equipment being used.
PTB provides services to Optical Coaters, like those supporting the James Webb mission to manufacturers of ordinary sunglasses.
We provide this high level of support across a very wide variety of equipment types and manufacturers and have been doing so for many years:
PTB is uniquely suited to support Optical Coaters as no other service company in North America provides these services across such a wide variety of equipment and OEMs. This type of product and service breadth is required by the Optical Coating industry.
Whether you are a semiconductor fabrication facility, vacuum coating company, aerospace and defense contractor or high technology instrumentation manufacturer, we can support your service or equipment needs with the latest vacuum equipment.

PTB Industry Focus: Semiconductor Manufacturing
PTB has been supporting the Semiconductor Manufacturing industry for over 20 years and counts many of its major customers amongst the fabs in North America. Recently, we have started to expand our international reach as well.
PTB is widely recognized for our Cryogenic Vacuum System remanufacturing services:
- The leading independent company for rebuilding cryopumps globally
- Rebuilds more cryopumps and compressors in North America than all other independents combined
- The only company that does a complete remanufacture of the cryopump
- The only Independent that can truly rebuild the On-Board IS family of cryopumps
We provide this high level of support across a very wide variety of equipment types and manufacturers and have been doing so for many years.
Semiconductor Manufacturing facilities demand excellence. They require high quality, rapid and responsive service levels and competitive pricing.
All of which are hallmarks of PTB product and service delivery.

PTB Industry Focus: Research & Development
PTB has been supporting Government, Educational and Commercial Research & Development Laboratories and Facilities for over two decades with a variety of services across a broad array of equipment.
R&D Facilities use a very wide variety of vacuum equipment in their research and development projects. Often, they require applications and engineering support in order to both select the proper vacuum pump and optimize the performance.
We provide this high level of support across the full spectrum of vacuum equipment types and manufacturers and have been doing so for many years:
PTB is perfectly suited to support R&D Facilities as we provide the highest quality services across the widest breadth of vacuum pump types and OEMs in North America. This type of product and service breadth in addition to our engineering and applications support allows us to provide the flexible, knowledge based support that R&D customers need to be successful.
Additionally, PTB provides custom vacuum manufacturing services. This capability allows us to engage with Labs, understand the performance requirements, jointly develop specs and deliver custom vacuum systems that are tailored to the specific research application.